1. Privacy Policy

LLC "Enter-Estate" collects and processes personal information about natural persons - customers and other potential recipients of services, third parties, with the aim of conducting its business and ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Subjects of processed personal information may include customers, employees, suppliers and other persons with whom LLC "Enter-Estate" company has established relations. The purpose of data protection is to protect the privacy rights of natural persons during the processing of personal data.

This policy defines the data that LLC "Enter-Estate" collects about a person and processes it for various purposes, how LLC "Enter-Estate" uses it and to whom LLC "Enter-Estate" discloses this data.

2. Controller of personal data processing

The controller of personal data processing is LLC "Enter-Estate", unified registration No. 40103916629, legal address in Riga, Sarlotes street 18A-3, LV-1001 (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). Contact information is available here: https://www.enter-estate.com/contacts/.

3. Data protection and processing in the company

The company processes personal data (name, surname, personal code, real estate, customer address, e-mail, telephone) for the following purposes:

  • To identify a person for the sale of services provided by the Company;
  • To prepare, conclude and execute a contract or agreement concluded with a person;
  • Management of customer complaints and submissions, providing answers;
  • Ensuring compliance with the legitimate interests of the Company and third parties;
  • To manage settlements for services provided by the Company;
  • To maintain relations with customers and cooperation partners, to ensure the core business of the Company, to advertise services, their administration and development;
  • By providing information to authorized state institutions in cases specified in regulatory acts;
  • Performing technical measures to ensure and improve the operation of the company's information system, as well as the website.

The legal basis for personal data processing is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Company processes personal data on the following legal basis:

  • For concluding and executing a contract or agreement with the client;
  • To ensure compliance with laws applicable to the Company;
  • To ensure the interests of the Company, the client or a third party, as determined by the law or the concluded contract;
  • On the basis of the person's consent.

The company does not disclose to third-party personal data of customers or other information that has become known to it during the cooperation process and the company is obliged to protect them.

Personal data may be transferred to the Company's employees, real estate sales agents, as well as to those persons who provide services to the Company, such as lawyers, notaries, accounting, IT and marketing service providers involved in the provision of a specific service. In cases specified in regulatory acts, your personal data may be transferred to the State Data Inspectorate, SRS, etc. to institutions authorized by laws and regulations, including judicial institutions. Also, personal data will be available to the company's board, responsible employees and our cooperation partners - notaries, their assistants involved in the process of providing our service, as well as accounting service providers, legal service providers, etc. etc., ensuring respect for the legitimate interests of the Company and third parties.

In certain cases, when it is required by law or with your consent, service providers (data processors) outside the European Union and the European Economic Area can access personal data in our possession. If such a transfer is carried out, the Company will ensure all legal requirements, including checking the legality of the transfer and compliance with the standard clauses of the contract. In other cases, further transfer of data is allowed only in certain cases defined by the law, for example, if it is necessary for raising, implementing or defending legal claims in connection with specific administrative processes, regulatory processes or legal proceedings.

We will process the customer's personal data as long as the contract or agreement concluded with the customer is valid or until your consent to the processing of personal data is revoked. In addition, the storage of documents will continue during the period while the parties to the contract can bring claims and defend their legal interests in judicial institutions. Also, the laws and regulations related to money laundering oblige us to store information that may contain personal data for a period specified by law.

The company will delete your personal data, including, but not limited to, from all information systems and data carriers no later than within 1 (one) month, when the legal basis for processing ends.

If you do not provide personal data, the Company has difficulty identifying the customer and the ability to provide the service is limited.

4. Information for those who contact the Company in connection with the services provided by the Company

If you have contacted the Company in connection with the purchase, rent, lease or creation of a map of land plots and have agreed to the processing of your data, the Company will initially process them in accordance with the first part (a) and (f) of Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) points basis. We will contact you to answer your questions or requests, for example to arrange a real estate viewing. Also, the Company may ask you to sign object viewing protocols.

After receiving your consent, we will process your personal data in order to send you information about similar real estate properties by e-mail, or contact you by phone to offer you a real estate viewing.

You can withdraw your consent at any time, but this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data carried out before such withdrawal of consent. As soon as you have entered into a contract or agreement with the Company, you will be fully covered by point No.3 of this Privacy Policy.

Your personal data will be processed until the specific contract or agreement is concluded, subject to the statute of limitations for disputes. In case of legal proceedings, the data will be processed until the end of such legal proceedings (when the judgment has entered into legal force). If the storage of personal data is required by a law binding on the Company, the Company will comply with the requirements of the law.

If personal data will be processed on the basis of consent, we will process it until you withdraw your consent, unless there is another legal basis for processing personal data.

If you withdraw your consent, we will no longer contact you about possible services provided by the Company that may be of interest to you.

Personal data may be transferred to the Company's employees, real estate sales agents, as well as to those persons who provide services to the Company, such as lawyers, notaries, accounting, IT and marketing service providers involved in the provision of a specific service. In cases specified in regulatory acts, your personal data may be transferred to the State Data Inspectorate, SRS, etc. to institutions authorized by laws and regulations, including judicial institutions. Also, personal data will be available to the company's management, responsible employees and our cooperation partners - notaries, their assistants involved in the process of providing our service, legal service providers, etc. etc., ensuring respect for the legitimate interests of the Company and third parties.

5. Your rights in relation to personal data

Every person, whose data is processed by the Company, has the right to access his/her data - by requesting copies of personal data.

You can also request to correct them, delete or limit their processing, object to their processing. You can withdraw your previously given consent to data processing, however, the data processing carried out before such withdrawal of consent will not lose its legality. You also have the right to data portability.

You also have the right to know other issues related to the processing of your personal data, such as, but not limited to, how the Company obtained your personal data and on what legal basis it is processed.

If you have questions, submissions or complaints about data processing, contact us by writing to our registered address or by writing to our electronic mail address: [email protected], signing with a secure electronic signature. The company will be obliged to identify you therefore it is recommended to sign the submissions with a secure electronic signature or to come personally to the company's office, with an identity document.

6. Ensuring protection of personal data

The company protects personal data that comes into its possession using available modern technologies. When protecting data, the risks that exist in their processing are analysed and organizational, financial and technical measures are implemented to prevent them. When processing data, we minimize the volume of processed data as much as possible, use antivirus programs, firewall measures, data encryption, data security monitoring measures. We improve protection measures within the limits of our technical capabilities.

7. Processing of cookies

Cookies are small text files that a website leaves on your computer to improve your online experience and save browsing information. The company uses both first-party and third-party cookies that cover various functions, such as navigation between pages, saving settings, as well as other functions that improve your visit to the website. When visiting the company's website, you are given the opportunity to choose the set of cookies that suits you. By marking specific cookies in their list, or by marking all cookies, you give your consent to the use of the marked cookies. Thus, the Company uses the cookies created by "Google Analytics", "Facebook", and "Google Ads" to improve the operation of the website and to adapt the content of interest to you. On the company's website, you will find links to the websites of our partners, the operation of which and the information contained therein are beyond our control.